Job Search Tips To Master Job Hunting

Job hunting in itself is a full-time job that requires calculated strategies and best job search tips practices.

Without having proper strategies at hand, job hunting can turn out to be overwhelming and energy leading to frustrations.

In this article, we will share job search tips and strategies you can incorporate into your job hunting journey and expect to have the best result within a short time.

Why Job Search Strategies Are Important

Maybe you are eager to gain freedom from a toxic workplace, tired of salary increase expectations, want to experience another workplace culture or you are a fresh graduate from college looking to land your first role? 

Whatever the reason for finding yourself in the job market, the good news is that you are not the only person in the shoes.

However, it is critical to have job search strategies implemented so you can leave the jungle sooner rather than later.

This is important to have job search strategies drafted out before embarking on the journey because the unspoken truth is, that job hunting is not as easy as it sounds. It requires determination and grit, and I can do spirit, passion, strength and maintaining a contagious positive spirit.

Having a job search strategy opens you up to more job avenues and ideas to explore without burnout.

Job Search Strategies For Better Job Hunting

Explore these strategies to improve your chances of finding a job in a short time:


You have probably heard the saying no man is an island or another popular one that says it tasks a village to raise a child.

These sayings are true because you need the help and support of family, friends and associates to achieve anything meaningful in life and finding a new job is not exclusive.

It is a bad practice to job hunt in isolation and expect results sooner. Network with the people around you to find a job sooner by communicating your need for a new job to them.

Many thanks to technology, networking has even been made easy without leaving the comfort of your bed, Professional networking platforms and LinkedIn and Glassdoor offer the perfect avenue to connect with other professionals in your industry without the need to meet in person.

Live webinars, X spaces, Instagram Live, Facebook Live, etc, provide another opportunity to connect with industry leaders, hiring managers, founders and CEOs, and professionals in your industry.

By leveraging networking platforms, you can connect with the existing employees of your dream company to enquire about the work culture and vacancy.

Another way to network is by attending in-person industry seminars, conferences, and professional end-of-the-year dinners. 

This provides an avenue to exchange contacts and build valuable relationships that can speed up your job search.

Digital Job Boards

Explore digital job boards like Indeed, Glassdoor, ZipRecruiter, and Jobberman to find jobs that best suit your interests.

Digital job boards provide ample information such as pay range, job description, and reviews from past employees to guide you in making an informed decision on the type of company to work for.

Another fascinating thing about digital job boards is the opportunity to filter your job search by job keyword, job title or location.

It makes job hunting super easy and swift, preventing burnout and metal fatigue.

Recruiting Agency

Some companies use digital boards for their job posting while some use recruiting agencies like SeamlessHR for their job postings and hiring processes.

It is essential to sign up for these recruiting agencies to be alerted when new openings arise.

Some of the recruiting agencies operate an offline model where candidates can walk into their offices and leave their details with them. The essence of leaving the details is so that you can be contacted when openings fit your job desire and something related.


You might have heard the marketing phrase that says people buy from who they know, trust and like. It is so for companies who are looking to hire new talent. They trust the words of their employees, friends and associates.

This is why you cannot downplay the power of referral during a job search. Do you have a friend, uncle, relative or schoolmate who works in a certain company? Then politely ask them to put in words for you in their company or make an introduction in a sister company.

Or maybe they know someone in that company you applied to, ask them to make an introduction for you to streamline the interview process.

Generally, let people around you be aware of your job hunting so they can comment on you where necessary.

Job Fairs

Job fairs are great avenues to connect with as many companies as possible at the same time. Some educational institutions organise job fairs to prepare their ultimate students for the job market, helping them connect with companies and hiring managers.

Some organizations as part of their corporate social responsibilities also organise job fairs to support fresh graduates and job seekers.

To get the best from job fairs, print out a bunch of resumes and cards to easily get the attention of recruiters at the job fair.

Company Websites

While on your job-hunting journey, do not downplay the importance of the company’s career page. Some companies leverage their career page to announce job openings and boost their brand image. Check out the websites of the companies you wish to work for from time to time for available job openings.

While at that, research the company thoroughly; their product offering, current employees, their customer base and their competitors. This is a great way to get an insight into the company and prepare for the interview. 

Cold Calling/Emailing

Cold calling is when you contact someone for the first time without a prior appointment or introduction. It might be very weird but what is more weird is not reaching out at all.

Remember, the chances you do not take are missed opportunities. So reach out to hiring managers on connected platforms to indicate your interest in working in their company and highlight what makes you a great fit for that role.


This is another great way to build experience if you do not have any experience related to your field or industry. It offers an opportunity to build practical knowledge on the subject matter while connecting with co-workers to establish strong professional connections.

Walking In

After all, if the mountains do not go to Mohammed, Mohammed has no choice but to go to the mountains. Maybe you have explored all strategies with no result, why not try walking into the office of your preferred company to present your case?  It is rewarding to take to take calculated risks and walking into the office of the company might just be one of those risks.


This is another great way to ease the job hunting process as it offers the opportunity to meet one-on-one with the hiring managers and also get to ask about available jobs.

The difference between internship and volunteering is that, while there are some paid internships, volunteering is free with little or no incentives. 

However, it offers valuable hands-on experience to serve as a compass for a lifetime in your career.

Job Search Tips To Master Job Hunting

Are you ready to switch jobs or land your first role? Follow these job search tips to master jun hunting seamlessly:

Have An Updated Resume

It is almost a criminal offence to apply for jobs with an irrelevant resume. To increase your chance of being hired, be sure to apply for jobs with a resume that is updated and relevant. Did you complete a certification program recently or volunteer for a project, update your resume to cater for this new information while making sure they are relevant experience for the industry and company you are applying to.

Also, make sure that the resume has met the standard job practices and expectations to boost your confidence when faced with hiring managers.

Tailor Your Resume And Cover Letter To Specific Job Search

Are you applying for the role of a marketer? Then let your resume and cover letter speak to that role. This means that no one resume can serve many job applications unless it is in the same industry.

In case you are looking to switch industries, weave your experience and educational background to match the industry.

Be Prepared

You can follow the best practices and things can still go wrong. Don’t fret! Even the most genius person can have this experience. All you need to do is to be all-round prepared to face any circumstances that may occur whether within your control or not.

Also, remember that things can go wrong from the end of the recruiters and that is not entirely your fault or due to inadequacy from your end.

Send Follow-Up ANd Thank You Email

After meeting with the hiring manager for an interview or an introduction, send an email to thank them for their time and ask follow-up questions regarding the job opening.

Let them know you a[[reciate learning about the role and you look forward to working with them.

This is also applicable after attending a networking event, It is one of the most valuable job search tips to possess. Not only would it cement the experience in the minds of the people you met but create an unforgettable impression of you.


It is important to have job search tips handy when embarking on a job hunting experience. Although job hunting may seem like information overload, there is never enough information when it comes to job search tips and exploring various strategies to land your dream job.


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